The Assembly of the Federation of Carmelite nuns from Middle East and North Africa has been held in Amman, Jordan, from June 9th to 16th 2022.
Three delegates of each Carmel (Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Haifa, Nazareth, El Fayoum – Egypt, Alep – Syria, Tangier – Morocco) meet every three years to discuss, work on future projects, in order to pull and forward together. The Federation is a structure dedicated to the communion between monasteries.
We lived this time in an atmosphere of prayer (and pilgrimed to the place where Christ was baptized in the waters of the Jordan), and of fraternal joy to be together. Especially in view of the fact that this assembly had been postponed several times because of the pandemic.
We very much appreciated the speeches given by Sr Cecile of Jesus Covenant (sr Cécile de Jésus Alliance), from the Carmel of Montmartre, France. They helped us to together develop orientations for the formation for the three forthcoming years.
The president and the council has been renewed:
Sr Anne Francoise (Bethlehem), president
Sr Amria Virtudes (Tanger), principal counsellor
Sr Françoise (Alep), second counsellor
Sr Marie Agnès (Jerusalem), third counsellor.
We also celebrated the 25 years of our Association-Federation! May the Lord help us live the way Saint Theresa wanted her daughters to live: joyfully, in prayer, and in a fraternal life, as an answer to present challenges.
